Detection Dog Division
With the increase in Terrorist Activities and drug trafficking through airports, there has been a growing need for tighter security operations. To aid the authorities in detection of illegal substances as drugs and explosives, Authorities frequently operate with Detection Dogs.
In collaboration with Dutch Security & Detection specialist “K2 Europe Security”, Allegianz K9 Security offers to meet the growing demand for Explosives Detection Dogs also known as EDD. The Detection Dog’s increasing popularity at Airports can be attributed to their ability to detect illegal substances, even at distance, almost instantly. Trained and certified to identify the slightest trace of targeted substances, The K-9’s provided by K2 Europe are specifically conducted to detect explosives, contraband and illegal substances that may be hidden in cargo. K2 Europe Security is a high valued international expert in the provision of canine screening solutions for passive and pro-active detection of explosives, narcotics and other disciplines like contraband, PSD, tobacco, money, cites etc. As certified company registered by the Dutch Ministry of Justice K2 Europe Security meets the European Legislation
K2 Europe’s clientele includes; Airports, Airlines, Seaports, Freight Forwarders, Government Agencies, Law Enforcement bodies.

K-9 Detection Dogs deployed by Allegianz K9 Security are trained to detect targeted substances even when their odor is masked by other odors, when tightly sealed or deeply hidden. Typical targeted substances; Explosives, Narcotics, Fireworks, Currency, Bedbugs. Each Allegianz K9 Detection Dog handler is educated and trained instantaneously with the K-9 they will be working with, in full compliance with Dutch and International Standards. Our education program is provided and conducted by our team of accredited & highly experienced instructors from the Netherlands. Allegianz K9 handlers and their K-9 partner are subject to continues training throughout their careers.

Services Allegianz K9 Detection Division;
- Loose Cargo screening
- Inspection of vehicles and people at point of entry
- Inspection of suspicious objects in and around the terminal building
- Aircraft screening
- Patrol of Airport Security lines to reduce waiting times
- General Deterrence

REST – Remote Explosive Scent Tracing

Certified by the European Union, REST-method (Remote Explosive Scent Tracing) is the highly effective method for screening large volumes on explosives.

Especially developed to screen large freight volumes simultaneously, REST is efficient and valued as screening technique on by example; Large, vulnerable and valuable cargo. minimizing the risk of damage, REST does not acquire cargo to be unloaded and reloaded again ensuring a safe and fast procedure. The REST-method is executed in 3 Steps; 1) Sample Collection, 2) Filter analysis, 3) Consignment Security Certificate
With almost no interruption in the logistics process Allegianz K9 Security, offers Airfreight Senders, Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents a faster, more flexible and cheaper way of having their shipments checked.
By screening your airfreight on the presence of explosives, Allegianz Doghandlers and their K-9 partner are capable of handling and checking very large quantities of Airfreight in a very short period. Advantages Allegianz K9 Detection Cargo screening; Cost efficient, Mobile applications, Ad-Hoc(last minute) Screening, Higher quantity of shipments per hour, Shipments not suitable to fit the X-Ray machine, Faster than EDT, X-Ray and hand search.
After the freight is checked and cleared, the client is provided with a Security Statement.
After the freight is checked and cleared, the client is provided with a Security Statement.

Mobile Cargo Screening

Allegianz K9 Detection offers mobile cargo screening at your chosen location. The inspection on your location is conducted by means of air trace investigation (REST) or with a free running explosive detection dog. Air track investigation is fast, effective, safe, extremely suitable for odd-sized cargo and has the advantage of no restriction on the shipment size and volume.
Feel Safe Risk Management N.V.
Lizelaan 5
Uitvlught Paramaribo
Suriname South America